Hey everyone. It’s me, KP. Nice to meet you, and welcome to my blog. This blog will serve as a place to discuss my journeys, education, work, and life experiences. The goal is to help you learn more about me, and to bring to light some concerns in the field of historic preservation. Sometimes we’ll take a direct path to understanding. Other times, our journey might diverge from the main path. Regardless, we’ll all arrive at the destination together.
So, the most immediate thing you should know about me is that I’m a student at the University of Mary Washington. My major is historic preservation and my minor is urban studies. This year, I’m a senior, and I’m sooooo excited to graduate soon! Most importantly, I’m a non-traditional minority student. That’s a deeper statement than it might appear to be at first. We will explore that idea together a bit more as time goes by.
This summer, I’m taking three classes. One, an archaeology field school with St. Mary’s College of Maryland, just finished last week. That was an amazing experience which I’ll discuss more in a later post. The second class, which will end this week, is a digital storytelling class. This class introduces students to many facets of social media. I have a separate blog for that course which goes into more detail about my personal life, offers a couple creative posts, and provides thoughts and summaries of assignments. You can check it out if you’re interested to learn more outside of my educational and professional life: Digitizing KP. My third class, which begins in about two weeks, is a one month long study abroad trip in Paris France.
Jumping ahead a bit….
This summer I am returning for my second study abroad trip in Paris France. For this trip, I will be focusing on French studies. Additionally, I won a scholarship with The Fund For Education Abroad. As part of the scholarship requirements, I have to keep a blog. My blog is going to be about the care and preservation of French cemeteries. I hope to compare the French protocols with American protocols in order to learn some best practices for cemetery preservation.
Check out my first vlog post on Youtube.
If you like the video, like and follow my Youtube channels, @DigitizingKP and @APlaceForKP
Also, you can follow my Fund for Education Abroad scholarship blog here.
Thanks for reading. Please leave questions or comments below. Stay tuned for weekly updates!