Museum and Archives Projects
James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library
Located in Fredericksburg, VA, the James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library “holds the country’s largest collection of artifacts and documents related to the fifth president of the United States.”
— The James Monroe Museum
200th Anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine
December 2, 2023 marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. KP created a video to celebrate this milestone.
Spheres of Influence
As part of her research, KP visited the National Archives and watched the panel discussion about the Monroe Doctrine.
Intro to Museum Studies (HISP 200)
This UMW class introduces students to museum basics and concludes with students creating their own museum exhibits.
Course Outline
Lecture_1_What Is a Museum_Historical Context
Saxon_P. T. Barnum and the American Museum.pdf
Lecture_2_What Is a Museum_Legal and Organizational Context
Weil_From Being about Something to Being for Somebody The Ongoing Transformation of…
Haynes_Why a Plan to Redefine the Meaning of…
Lecture_3_Why and How Do Museums Collect
Lecture_3_a _ California Historical Society _ Collections Mgmt Policy
Gardner and Henry _September 11 and the Mourning After
Lecture_4_Coll. Mgm.Pol_ Aquisition and Disposal
NBC New York_Stolen Coffin Returns to Egypt After Mix
Campbell and Agogliati_Museum mishap results in lost Lindbergh statue
Lecture_5_Cataloging_Object Records _Inventories
(class activity: PastPerfect)
Lecture_6_Collections Care
Wu_Old Glory New Glory
Museum Visit (James Monroe Museum)
Lecture_7_Museum Interpretation
Podcast Thomas Jefferson Descendants
Gable_How We Study History Museums
Lecture_8 Exhibits (I) Planning
Chmelik_Chapter 5_Exhibition Planning
Essay #1 “The Ethics of Collections Management”
Lecture_9_Exhibitions (II) Design
Gregg_Your Labels Make Me Feel Stupid
Linenthal_Anatomy of the Controversy
Study Questions_Enola Gay
Lecture_10_ Museums and Audiences (I) Learning Theories
Taylor_A Nonformal Education Perspective - the journal of museum education
Exhibition Concept
Lecture_11_Museums and audiences (II)
Martinez_How to Make Museums More Accessible for People with Disabilities
Lecture_12_Museums and audiences (III)
Krueger_Reaching Out to Their Local Communities
Lecture_13_Marketing and PR
Chmelik_Chapter 8_Marketing
Lecture_14_Museum Development
Arroyo_ Sex Drugs and Pirates
Museum Visit (Fredericksburg Area Museum)
Resume-Writing Workshop
Lecture_15_Museum Websites and social media
Quinn_Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Online Communications.docx
Essay #2 “The Ethics of Museum Development”
Codik_People Can't Put Their Phones Down
Lecture_17_The Working Museum
Robinson_P.T.Barnum with a Ph.D.
Guest Speaker
Final Exam